Financière des professionnels
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 In the news

fdp, a private management firm like no other

fdp, a private management firm like no other

Bernard Fortin, Vice-president, Private Management, looks ahead and envisions the future, yours and fdp’s. What can we expect?

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Our team is making the headlines

fdp on the Board of the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF)

fdp on the Board of the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF)

Great news: Bernard Fortin, Vice-President, Private Management, was re-elected Vice-president of the Board of Directors of the IQPF and Léa Saadé, Regional Vice-President, Montréal Centre and North Shore, Wealth Management, was elected for an initial term as member of the same Board.

Want to know more

 Finance and investments

Our new fdp Perspective Private Portfolio

Our new fdp Perspective Private Portfolio

The people behind it share the vision that guided them and the opportunities it can create for you!

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Inflation: temporary or sustained rise?

Inflation: temporary or sustained rise?

Are we witnessing a surge in inflation and interest rates? Our investment specialists analyse May’s events.

Check out the Financial Panorama

Returns of our funds

 Information just for you

Partnership between the Association des jeunes notaires du Québec (AJNQ), fdp and Sogemec Assurances

Partnership between the Association des jeunes notaires du Québec (AJNQ), fdp and Sogemec Assurances

To support notaries with their personal and professional finances!

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