Financière des professionnels
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 In the news

A new milestone for fdp!

Bernard Fortin, vice-president, Private Management, introduces our new offer for pharmacists.

Video in French with subtitles.

Why choose fdp?

Dr Benoit Morin, president of the Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires, talks about the special relationship between fdp and pharmacists.

Video in French with subtitles.

Pharmacists working

Our exclusive offer for pharmacists

Discover the numerous financial benefits of an offer that was developed for you, for each step of your career!

Discover the offer

 Finance and investments

Your fdp podcast

Pharmacists working

The fdp Perspective Private Portfolio: evolving at your pace

How can did this new Portfolio bring the customization and flexibility that you need? Because it was created for you.

Read the article

Returns of our funds

 fdp stands out

We would like to share some excellent news with you: fdp is a finalist and prizewinner in the Prix Distinction 2021 (Quebec SME category) awarded by The Healthy Enterprises Group. This award recognizes achievements related to employee health and wellness in the workplace.

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