The Professionals’ Financial’s Board of Directors comprises representatives from each professional association shareholder. Their expertise is completed by that of outside independent financial specialists.
With the help of its committees and the executive team, the Board of Directors has implemented sound management standards and practices that foster the ethical behaviour which underlies the Financial’s governance culture.
Board’s role
The Board’s role is to establish the organization’s governance structure and general directions and to monitor and motivate the executives’ adherence to them. Our directors assume their obligation of result and duty to be accountable at all times.
Director’s responsibilities
The directors’ conduct in their activities, both inside and outside Professionals’ Financial, sets the example for employees and is part of the organization’s compliance culture which, moreover, has the active, sustained commitment and support of senior management.
The directors are responsible for establishing the Professionals’ Financial Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, which applies equally to them, and for studying and following up on the reports submitted by the Chief Compliance Officer on the organization’s compliance status.
The Board of Directors is also mandated with maintaining various committees (Audit and Risk Management Committee, Human Resources Committee, Nominating and Governance Committee, Investment Committee) which contribute their complementary expertise and make recommendations to maximize the organization’s governance.
Composition of the Boards of directors
Professionals' Financial
André Sirard
M. Sc., CFA, ASC, Adm. A.
Chairman of the Board, Professionals' Financial - Mutual Funds and Professionals' Financial - Private Management
President and CEO - Professionals' Financial
Dr Vincent Oliva, M.D.
Chair of the Board of Directors, Professionals' Financial, Professionals' Financial Mutual Funds administrator, and President, Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec
Dr Carl Tremblay
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Professionals' Financial,member of the Board of Professionals’ Financial – Mutual Funds and president, Association des chirurgiens dentistes du Québec
Me Gaétane Baril
LL.B., D.E.S.S.
Certified Notary – Me Gaétane Baril, Notary S.A. – Quebec City
Richard A. Fortin
President, Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec
Michèle Jémus
M. Sc., CPA
Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice-president Business Services, Canada Health Infoway
Benoit Morin
President, Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires
Mutual Funds
André Sirard
M. Sc., CFA, ASC, Adm. A.
Chairman of the Board, Professionals' Financial - Mutual Funds and Professionals' Financial - Private Management
President and CEO - Professionals' Financial
Dr Vincent Oliva, M.D.
Chair of the Board of Directors, Professionals' Financial, Professionals' Financial Mutual Funds administrator, and President, Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec
Richard A. Fortin
President, Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec
Me Gaétane Baril
LL.B., D.E.S.S.
Certified Notary – Me Gaétane Baril, Notary S.A. – Quebec City
Michèle Jémus
M. Sc., CPA
Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice-president Business Services, Canada Health Infoway
Benoit Morin
President, Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires
Dr Carl Tremblay
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Professionals' Financial,member of the Board of Professionals’ Financial – Mutual Funds and president, Association des chirurgiens dentistes du Québec
Private Management
André Sirard
M. Sc., CFA, ASC, Adm. A.
Chairman of the Board, Professionals' Financial - Mutual Funds and Professionals' Financial - Private Management
President and CEO - Professionals' Financial
Dr Vincent Oliva, M.D.
Chair of the Board of Directors, Professionals' Financial, Professionals' Financial Mutual Funds administrator, and President, Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec
Richard A. Fortin
President, Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec
Michèle Jémus
M. Sc., CPA
Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice-president Business Services, Canada Health Infoway