Financière des professionnels
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In 2016, Professionals’ Financial awarded 16 scholarships to students at the Université de Montréal and Université Laval, in the five faculties whose graduates go on to become members of our shareholder organizations: medicine, dentistry, law, pharmacy and architecture.

Promoting l’excellence

Committed to supporting its professional association shareholders by fostering the development of the next generation of practitioners, Professionals’ Financial is proud to offer these scholarships for excellence. This commitment is part of the Financial’s educational mandate given to it by its shareholders, which it is carrying out by awarding $490,000 in scholarships over a five-year period to two universities: Université de Montréal and Université Laval.

To learn more about each university’s recipients, visit the appropriate page:

Université Laval 2016

Université de Montréal 2016

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