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  • 11 February 2022
    Financial Panorama - Read
    Financial panorama
    Key rate hikes in sight

    The first month of the year was difficult, both for bond yields and for equity markets, which experienced very high volatility.

  • 20 December 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    The Fed, inflation and a new variant

    Jerome Powell was reappointed as head of the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed), which was viewed positively by the markets. The markets reacted negatively, however, to Mr. Powell’s statement that inflation is no longer transitory, as well as to the emergence of the Omicron variant in many parts of the world.

  • 23 November 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    The evolving meaning of “transitory”

    During October, signs of inflation intensified. Where things get a bit sticky, however, is the duration implied by the word "transitory."

  • 20 October 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    The Fed changes course

    The Fed is expected to reduce its monthly bond purchases in November: at least that’s what came out of the Jackson Hole meeting in September.

  • 20 September 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Waiting for JacksonHole

    Part of August passed in anticipation of the speech by U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, which was due to take place at the Fed’s meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This communication was to disclose the Fed’s intentions regarding the reduction of its bond purchases.

  • 10 September 2021
    Focus on Finance Express
    2021: Challenges of the rotational correction for investors

    Since the start of the year, the stock and bond markets have been in constant flux. In our article of June 2, 2021 (What’s in store for the second half of 2021?), we mentioned a strong rotation between management styles and different sectors.

  • 24 August 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    The recovery continues

    The Canadian and U.S. stock markets are at record levels. Companies have started reporting their results for the second quarter of 2021 and they are very encouraging. Overall, sales and profits are exceeding expectations, and the market has revised upwards earnings forecasts for the next few quarters.

  • 21 July 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    The Fed continues to surprise

    The key event in June was certainly the meeting of the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed). As expected, no rate hike was announced, but the forecast now includes a planned increase in 2023, which is sooner than expected.

  • 23 June 2021
    Dialogue – June 2021 Edition

    The professionals’ newsletter. In the news: fdp, a private management firm like no other; Our Team: fdp on the Board of the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF); Finance and investment: Our new fdp Perspective Private Portfolio, and more!

  • 23 June 2021
    fdp - Read
    Financial and estate planning, Focus on Finance Express
    fdp, a private management firm like no other

    As we are now reaching mid-year, it seemed appropriate to take a timeout to observe and analyze the direction that the various financial markets could take.

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