Mise à jour en omnipratique – MFC
Nous y serons! Le 11 mai 2018 au Château Royal à Laval. Passez nous voir à notre kiosque et prenez quelques instants pour venir discuter avec nos conseillers en gestion de patrimoine.
AMEQ annual conference
11 et 12 mai 2018. Passez nous voir à notre kiosque et prenez quelques instants pour venir discuter avec notre conseiller en gestion de patrimoine Louis Nadeau.
Journées annuelles de formation de l’AMMIQ
On May 30 and 31, drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Marie-Pier Drolet.
Entretiens ophtalmologiques de l’Université de Montréal
We’ll be there, on May 10 and 11, 2018. Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Saber Gallali.
What is the future of my incorporation?
To help you understand the situation and make the right decisions, our tax specialists will share with you their analysis of the situation and explain how you can adjust your corporation’s activities in response to these changes. To find out more about the three tax practices that are at the heart of our analysis, read […]
EventsFuture doctors: Learn to manage your personal affairs!
Some one hundred students from four universities (Université de Montréal, McGill, Université Laval and Université de Sherbrooke) and from all regions of Quebec gathered for three days of conferences presented by doctors from the FMSQ and the FMOQ, as well as by advisors from Professionals’ Financial, Sogemec Assurances and Fonds FMOQ. In total, six conferences […]
Association des pédiatres du Québec (APQ) annual conference
We’ll be there! Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Maurice Salameh.