Financière des professionnels
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  • 19 July 2017
    In focus
    Credit and financing: a challenge at the beginning of a career…and after!

    Credit in all its forms There are many different credit products on the market, the most popular of which are certainly credit cards and lines of credit. Subject to an assessment of your income and your lifestyle, these forms of credit are nevertheless easily accessible, and they are offered to future professionals as soon as […]

  • 13 July 2017
    New practice weekend 2017

    The second edition of our New Practice Weekend, a weekend of financial workshops for doctors who have been in practice for less than five years, will be held from June 2 to 4, 2017.

  • 11 July 2017
    My Career, My Finances tour 2016

    Our workshops: a wealth of information! It’s not always easy to make the right decisions at the beginning of your career. To help you, the Financial offers you a series of free workshops this fall with a single objective: to put you on a solid footing when the time comes to invest, incorporate, buy a […]

  • 04 May 2017
    AMPQ conference

    Are you attending the Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec (AMPQ) conference? We’ll be there! From June 1 to 3 at Château Frontenac in Québec City. Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Jimmy Verdule.   Booth shared with

  • 04 May 2017
    AROQ annual conference

    The Professionals’ Financial team will be present at the Association des radio-oncologues du Québec (AROQ) annual conference which will be held on May 27 at the Marriott Château Champlain in Montreal. Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Maurice Salameh.   Booth shared with

  • 04 May 2017
    35th Entretiens vasculaires

    Are you attending the 35th Entretiens vasculaires, the Association de chirurgie vasculaire et endovasculaire du Québec (ACVEQ) annual conference? We’ll be there! On May 26 and 27 at Manoir Rouville-Campbell in Mont-Saint-Hilaire. Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Kathleen Berry.   Booth shared with

  • 04 May 2017
    Association des dermatologistes du Québec annual conference

    The Professionals’ Financial team will be present at the Association des dermatologistes du Québec (ADQ) annual conference which will be held on May 26 and 27 at Marché Bonsecours in Montreal. Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Marie Gauthier.   Booth shared with

  • 04 May 2017
    ASMIQ annual conference

    The Professionals’ Financial team will be present at the Association des spécialistes en médecine interne (ASMIQ) annual conference which will be held on May 27 and 28 at Manoir Saint-Sauveur and at the Journée interuniversitaire de médecine interne held on May 26. Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth […]

  • 04 May 2017
    AOGQ annual conference

    Are you attending the Association des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Québec (AOGQ) 51st annual conference? We’ll be there! From May 25 to 28 at the Westin Montreal. Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Michel Pitre. Also, don’t miss our presentation: Incorporation et optimisation fiscale (Incorporation and […]

  • 04 May 2017
    Mise à jour en omnipratique

    The Professionals’ Financial team will be present at Mise à jour en omnipratique organized by Médecins francophones du Canada, which will be held on May 12 at Château Royal in Laval. Drop by our booth and take a few moments to speak with our Wealth Management Advisor Yves Fournier.   Booth shared with Partner of

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