Financière des professionnels
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  • 21 July 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    The Fed continues to surprise

    The key event in June was certainly the meeting of the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed). As expected, no rate hike was announced, but the forecast now includes a planned increase in 2023, which is sooner than expected.

  • 23 June 2021
    Dialogue – June 2021 Edition

    The professionals’ newsletter. In the news: fdp, a private management firm like no other; Our Team: fdp on the Board of the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF); Finance and investment: Our new fdp Perspective Private Portfolio, and more!

  • 23 June 2021
    fdp - Read
    Financial and estate planning, Focus on Finance Express
    fdp, a private management firm like no other

    As we are now reaching mid-year, it seemed appropriate to take a timeout to observe and analyze the direction that the various financial markets could take.

  • 22 June 2021
    Partnership between the AJNQ, Sogemec and fdp

    Partnership agreement for the benefit of notaries

  • 15 June 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Inflation: temporary or sustained rise?

    The rise in the Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index in the United States came as a big surprise, exceeding expectations and even outpacing inflation indicators.

  • 03 June 2021
    Economy and markets 2021
    Focus on Finance Express
    Second half of 2021: Which way will the economies and markets go?

    As we are now reaching mid-year, it seemed appropriate to take a timeout to observe and analyze the direction that the various financial markets could take.

  • 19 May 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Strong economic growth

    The United States is experiencing a significant economic recovery, boosted by the success of the vaccination campaign and consumer confidence. Inflation remains stable, as does the U.S. Federal Reserve’s key rate.

  • 18 May 2021
    Dialogue – May 2021 Edition

    The professionals’ newsletter. In the news: The real value of advice; ESG: much more than 3 letters! Expert insight: Your checklist for a successful financial plan. fdp welcomes you in our new customer areas at Complexe Desjardins. Our team is making the headlines.

  • 17 May 2021
    ESG - Read
    Focus on Finance Express, Investment and markets
    ESG: much more than 3 letters!

    The acronym ESG, whose letters stand for Environment, Society and Governance. Sometimes bandied about, ESG factors seem to cover a wide variety of elements.

  • 17 May 2021
    Valuable - Read
    Expert insight
    Advice, a valuable and much-sought-after commodity!

    Audrey Lopez de la Osa has a lot to say about her role as an advisor. In just a few questions, she gets to the heart of the matter, because the advisory aspect of her job is key for her.

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