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  • 21 December 2018
    Expert insight
    Market update

    The key feature of 2018 has been the resumption of volatility on the financial markets. As a result, many investors have experienced a wide range of emotions. So we think it’s a good time to provide a market update.

  • 04 September 2018
    Expert insight
    The leverage loan: to be used or avoided?

    Many investors are unfamiliar with the leverage loan, and for good reason! Since it is a special investment strategy, you have to know all the ins and outs to use it properly.

  • 27 June 2018
    United States - Read
    Expert insight, Taxation and incorporation
    Owning a home in the United States: Make sure you understand the rules!

    In Canada, home values have been constantly rising for many years now, and this overheating of the real estate market shows no signs of abating. In this environment, the idea of owning a home abroad could become a very attractive option.

  • 20 April 2018
    Expert insight
    Major change to the Quebec Pension Plan

    Many of these questions were answered in the new pension reform announced by Retraite Québec (RQ). The government of Quebec has decided to harmonize its pension plan to bring it in line with the plan that will be offered in the other provinces of Canada. This is good news for all taxpayers, but you must […]

  • 25 April 2017
    Expert insight
    Quebec offers tax relief for the transfer of a family business – Case study

    Selling your business to a corporation not dealing at arm’s length Before the new measures were announced, selling a business to a corporation not dealing at arm’s length could be very disadvantageous from a tax standpoint, compared to a sale to a corporation dealing at arm’s length. Generally, when selling a business, the seller wants […]

  • 06 January 2017
    Expert insight
    Start the year on the right foot by contributing to your RRSP, TFSA and RESP!

    Each of these plans has different characteristics and knowing them will enable you to take full advantage of them.  Here are the key features of these plans: RRSP TFSA RESP Ideal vehicle to save for retirement Contributions deductible from taxable income Investment income taxable only when withdrawn Possibility of making withdrawals (must be added to […]

  • 26 October 2016
    Case study, Expert insight
    Practising medicine in a pool: making sense of it all! Case study

    Emily Profession: gynecologist obstetrician Incorporation: incorporated her practice 4 years ago, working in a pool of 10 doctors Corporate income : $400,000 (after expenses and before taxes) Emily’s compensation: dividends LLP* *Limited liability partnership Emily’s situation before March 22, 2016 Emily’s corporation was eligible for the Small Business Deduction (SBD) on the first $500,000 of […]

  • 10 June 2016
    Expert insight
    Canadian stock market: review of a volatile first quarter

    In the wake of 2015… The Canadian stock market saw high volatility and dramatic swings in the first quarter of 2016. Economic, financial and even political news, both domestic and international, often had an excessive impact on equity markets. Global economic developments that began in 2015―a weakening Chinese economy and a devaluation of the renminbi […]

  • 01 June 2016
    Expert insight
    Global economies looking for a spark

    The weak growth in China, the oil price slump both in Canada and abroad, and the threat of a global recession are just a few of a number of elements that have preoccupied investors in the last few months. Is there reason to worry? Can we expect signs of improvement in the near future? Here’s […]

  • 24 May 2016
    Expert insight
    Patterned after Louis X, the Stubborn

    A brief look back will give us a sense of how the markets have performed since then and the challenges that lie ahead, while recommending the solution offered by our firm, which is available to all of our clients. A look back Voltaire and modern finance, published in fall 2012, drew parallels between the measures […]

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