Financière des professionnels
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  • 04 September 2018
    In focus
    The great potential of tomorrow’s professionals

    These young people have embarked on an often complex path which will require of them a great capacity for concentration, a healthy dose of determination and lots of resilience over time. Their success is important to us, because these women and men represent the future of our society. They are the professionals to whom we […]

  • 29 June 2018
    In focus
    Independent and committed: Professionals’ Financial, even closer to you!

    Depuis 1978, la Financière s’inscrit dans l’univers des professionnels par sa présence constante et sa sensibilité particulière à leurs préoccupations. Dans un environnement financier en proie à de profondes et rapides mutations, elle conserve son autonomie et reste fidèle à sa mission : servir les professionnels.

  • 06 November 2017
    In focus
    If you are an employer: opt for the group RRSP from the Financial!

    Passed in 2013, this act makes it mandatory to set up a retirement savings plan for your employees using payroll deductions. Compliance deadlines were established according to the number of employees in your company, the last of which is in 2018. 20 employees or more 10 to 19 employees 5 to 9 employees December 31, […]

  • 06 November 2017
    In focus
    Taxation of professionals front-page news

    It is in this context that, as a client of the Financial, you were recently invited to participate in our information session tour: What is the future of my corporation? On July 18, 2017, federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s announcement of proposed changes to the tax practices of private corporations raised many concerns among professionals. […]

  • 19 July 2017
    In focus
    Credit and financing: a challenge at the beginning of a career…and after!

    Credit in all its forms There are many different credit products on the market, the most popular of which are certainly credit cards and lines of credit. Subject to an assessment of your income and your lifestyle, these forms of credit are nevertheless easily accessible, and they are offered to future professionals as soon as […]

  • 25 April 2017
    Femmes en affaires
    In focus
    Finance and taxation – New challenges for professional women

    Key differences Via a survey conducted by Ipsos2, the Financial wanted to better understand the needs and expectations of today’s professionals, both men and women. The results show that female professionals have different concerns than their male counterparts and that their financial priorities are much more eclectic. The importance that women place on family will […]

  • 31 January 2017
    In focus
    Best Employer

    Commitment at all levels This honour is awarded to companies that obtained the best results in the Aon Hewitt survey. This survey, the most comprehensive and well-known workplace excellence survey in Canada, measures employee engagement, leadership, performance culture and employer brand. It is based on highly objective assessment criteria – the opinions of the employees […]

  • 29 July 2016
    In focus
    The Financial embraces digital technology

    The financial world has now transitioned to the digital age with its array of high-performance tools whose diversity and speed of execution are quite impressive. The time has come for us to integrate these tools in every aspect of our operations so you can fully benefit from their key advantages. Watchwords: performance and accessibility Joining […]

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