Bernard Fortin
MBA, FCSITM, Adm.A, F. Pl., B.I.B.C.
Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives and Corporate Development
Coming Back Strong
What a spring it’s been! The health crisis has completely changed our ways of living, our ways of working, our relationships with one another. We had to adapt very quickly to a new, once-unthinkable reality. We all realized the importance of the situation and the need for an extraordinary collective effort to recover.
All professionals have, in their own way, directly or indirectly, helped manage this unprecedented crisis. We recognize their huge contribution and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their generosity and their determination.
Today, as the lockdown is gradually lifted, we can judge the path we have travelled, as a society and as individuals. Major changes, which in some cases would normally have taken many years, have occurred within a few months.
Technology is the big winner in this saga: it’s what has kept us in touch. The agility we’ve developed to forge new ties is matched only by our ability to reinvent ourselves, to rethink our ways of doing things. Individually and collectively.
At Professionals’ Financial, our professional environment has not been spared, and we have taken this opportunity to accelerate our transformation in order to offer you services and products even more tailored to your reality. As always, you can rely on the financial intelligence of our investment managers, our tax specialists, notaries, advisory managers and advisors who work together to offer you the best advisory services for all aspects of managing your wealth.
To this is now added a new phase in our development which we are enthusiastically entering. You are at the heart of this transformation.
Since we often repeat that good portfolio managers are able to seize opportunities even in times of crisis, we have taken advantage of an extraordinary event to take us to a new level in our development. This is great news, and we look forward to sharing it with you in the fall. Keep an eye out for our upcoming communications in the weeks and months ahead to learn more.
Until then, I wish you a great summer.
Bernard Fortin, MBA, FCSI®, Adm. A., FICB., Fin. Pl.
Vice-President, Private Management
We are delighted to announce that Mr. Bernard Fortin was recently elected vice-chairman of the board of directors of the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF). The mission of this organization is to protect the personal finances of the public by training financial planners and establishing standards of professional practice. Commenting on this new mandate, Mr. Fortin noted the importance of the role of a financial planner:
“At the Financial, the profession of financial planner is highly valued because it is crucial to our support for professionals, whatever their professional or personal financial needs. We attach great importance to financial planning expertise: it’s part of the skills required of our advisors and is a key factor in the optimal management of our clients’ assets.”