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Our experts examine various subjects such as wealth management, the financial markets, and economic developments and their impacts.

Take the time to read the articles prepared for you.

  • 21 June 2022
    Expert insight
    Invest in the future

    Our fdp Perspective Private Portfolio and its optionalities can become a very attractive option for you.

  • 20 June 2022
    Expert insight, Investment and markets
    Invest in the future

    fdp is launching this health-focused optionality, which seeks to capitalize on the current and future impacts of developments in this space on our societies, as well as on the considerable investments in this area.

  • 22 April 2022
    Expert insight, Investment and markets
    The vocabulary of inflation

    We hadn’t talked about inflation for a long time and now the word is popping up everywhere: it’s front-page news and on everyone’s lips.

  • 22 April 2022
    Expert insight, Financial and estate planning
    Your financial plan and inflation: still well aligned?

    Is the rise in inflation starting to seriously worry you? It’s hard to remain indifferent to a situation that could impact your financial plan!

  • 11 April 2022
    Federal Budget - Read
    Expert insight, Taxation and incorporation
    2022 Federal Budget: Key Measures

    Our tax specialist Anik Bougie has analyzed this 2022 federal budget for you and provide you with a summary of the measures she believes may affect you more directly.

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