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Since Professionals’ Financial is known for its expertise, our experts are often asked to give their point of view in the media.

Check out our latest coverage in the media!

  • 07 July 2020
    In the media
    Welcome to our new partner Aviso Wealth

    A new step toward implementing an enhanced offer.

  • 09 June 2020
    In the media
    How can you take time off to enjoy life without depleting your retirement savings?

    Our advisor Raphaël Hainault comments in La Presse +

  • 08 October 2019
    In the media
    Case study : Raphaël Hainault in La Presse +

    Raphaël Hainault, Wealth Management Advisor at Professional’s Financial  was the feature expert in the La Presse + column Train de vie.  Published on October 6,2019, the article presents the story of François and is spouse both to retire soon. The couple wish to help their rather spender son, not to buy a house, but to […]

  • 27 September 2019
    In the media
    Finance in early medical practice

    Philippe Beaudry, Wealth Management Advisor at Professional’s Financial, was asked to share is expertise in the September edition of Profession Santé. The article in the Gestion Santé section of the magazine discusses the importance of early financial planning for young doctors. Read how good coaching can help to avoid certain pitfalls and to maintain good […]

  • 21 May 2019
    Case study, In the media
    Case study by Raphaël Hainault in La Presse

    Raphaël Hainault, Wealth management advisor at Professionals’ Financial, was the featured expert in the La Presse column Rêver de voyager à 69 ans. Published on May 19, 2019, the article presents the story of Denise, 69-year-old, who wants to fulfill her dream of seeing London and Paris. Mr. Hainault assesses Denise’s financial situation and offers […]

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