Financière des professionnels
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In our rapidly evolving and interconnected  world, global events can have a local impact. Markets are often volatile, and tax rules can change. Our experts help you understand these issues and how they affect you.

  • 29 June 2020
    In focus, News
    Coming Back Strong

    The health crisis has completely changed our ways of living, our ways of working, our relationships with one another. We had to adapt very quickly to a new, once-unthinkable reality.

  • 11 June 2020
    Bernard Fortin on the board of the IQPF

    Mr. Fortin becomes Vice-President of the Board of Directors.

  • 01 May 2020
    Beyond the crisis and the confinement

    Close to you, at all times At Professionals’ Financial, the evolving pandemic has prompted us to quickly put in place many measures to protect both our clients and our employees. In compliance with government orders, our employees are teleworking, we’ve physically closed our various offices temporarily, and meetings with your advisor are being held via […]

  • 27 March 2020
    COVID-19 and the economy : a worldwide pause

    The past week has been very difficult for the economies and people of many countries around the world.

  • 26 March 2020
    Expert insight, News
    Focus on Finance Express : Our range of mutual funds

    The foundations of a good portfolio.

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