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What’s happening on the markets? Which major trends are emerging? To help you better understand the issues and keep abreast of the news, the Financial offers you its Financial Panorama.

Prepared by our investment team,the Financial Panorama presents a comprehensive monthly overview of the key developments that are likely to affect the markets.

  • 21 July 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    The Fed continues to surprise

    The key event in June was certainly the meeting of the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed). As expected, no rate hike was announced, but the forecast now includes a planned increase in 2023, which is sooner than expected.

  • 15 June 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Inflation: temporary or sustained rise?

    The rise in the Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index in the United States came as a big surprise, exceeding expectations and even outpacing inflation indicators.

  • 19 May 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Strong economic growth

    The United States is experiencing a significant economic recovery, boosted by the success of the vaccination campaign and consumer confidence. Inflation remains stable, as does the U.S. Federal Reserve’s key rate.

  • 21 April 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Long-term interest rates on the rise

    As in February, sharp rises in long-term interest rates occurred in March around the world. Such increases negatively impact the value of growth stocks, which significantly limits their performance.

  • 15 March 2021
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Long-term interest rates on the rise

    The month of February was marked by a widespread, sharp rise in long-term interest rates. This led to a decline in growth stocks, whose value is negatively impacted by an increase in rates.

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