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When the times are uncertain or when our economic landscape changes, we keep a constant watch on the situation, both from a social standpoint and from a market standpoint.
Our experts delve deep into your concerns and share their analysis of the situation in Focus on Finance Express.

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  • 07 May 2020
    Loved - Read
    Financial and estate planning, Focus on Finance Express
    Protect your loved ones: plan your estate

    Lessons from the pandemic: the importance of getting your affairs in order.

  • 28 April 2020
    Focus on Finance Express
    Key word of the week: gradually

    The reopening of our economy is on the horizon and it will be more in the form of a marathon than a 100-metre sprint. The news is good, but this return to an almost normal life and a resumption of business activities will have to be done in a measured way.

  • 22 April 2020
    Focus on Finance Express
    COVID-19: Some thoughts and the recovery alphabet

    Some industries are doing better than others: shares of companies involved in containment or telework have declined less sharply than the overall market, and some have even risen.

  • 08 April 2020
    Focus on Finance Express
    COVID-19: Already positioning ourselves for the future

    Positive effects of government and monetary measures.

  • 31 March 2020
    Investment portfolio - Read
    Focus on Finance Express, Investment and markets
    Your investment portfolio: with or without a manager?

    Managing a portfolio is much like a golf tournament. An amateur can beat a professional on a few holes. But over several rounds, the pro will always have a higher percentage of good shots.

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