Distinctions, In focus, NewsThe year 2022 starts on a promising note for fdp employees!
We’re proud that the initiatives and innovative actions developed for our employees in 2020 and 2021 have been recognized: fdp is a winner of the 2021 Honorary Award from the Health Enterprises Group!
Distinctions, News, Press releaseWith its select funds, fdp stands out again, winning two new Fundgrade A+ Awards
FDP reaches new heights with two new FundGrade A+ Awards
Distinctions, In focus, NewsHealth and well-being of our employees: fdp stands out!
At fdp, we’re very involved and we take the overall health of our employees to heart with practices, services and programs that truly meet their needs. Their well-being is a priority for us and our mission is to provide a caring and stimulating work environment by addressing issues that directly concern and affect them.
Distinctionsfdp reaches new heights!
Distinctions, News, Press releaseFDP reaches new heights with two new FundGrade A+ Awards
Once again, Professionals’ Financial has distinguished itself by receiving several FundGrade A+® Awards at the Evening of Excellence held by Fundata Canada Inc.