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  • 22 March 2024
    Financial and estate planning
    Sell my pharmacy and plan my retirement

    Pierre-Jean, 57, has owned a pharmacy in Trois-Rivières for some twenty years. He is married to Helena, 52. Their two children, Laura and Philippe, are in their twenties and have chosen professions other than pharmacy.

  • 22 March 2024
    Financial and estate planning
    Plan a sabbatical and ensure equity between spouses

    Maeve, 30, is a salaried pharmacist. Her de facto spouse, Vincent, has been a teacher at Cegep de l’Outaouais for about ten years. They live in a small, comfortable house in Gatineau, which Vincent bought five years ago.

  • 22 March 2024
    Financial and estate planning
    Sell my dental practice and secure my retirement

    John opened his dental practice in the Quebec City area in the mid-1990s. For the past fifteen years, his wife Sylvia has worked with him as his dental secretary and has also helped him run the practice. Each is a parent of two children from a previous union, who are now financially independent adults.

  • 22 March 2024
    Financial and estate planning, News
    Grow my family, plan my retirement: how to achieve my goals?

    Sarah, 33, practises her profession of notary as a partner in a private practice. Her husband, Stephen, 35, is Director of Operations for the City of Saint-Hyacinthe. They live on the outskirts of the city, with their two children, aged 7 and 4.

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