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  • 14 July 2022
    Expert insight, Financial and estate planning
    Family law reform: many changes!

    This Act, which has just passed the final stage of its coming into force, seeks to significantly reform family law, and concerns all Quebecers. Considering how our societies are evolving, this reform was eagerly awaited and its new provisions will be implemented over the next two years.

  • 22 April 2022
    Expert insight, Financial and estate planning
    Your financial plan and inflation: still well aligned?

    Is the rise in inflation starting to seriously worry you? It’s hard to remain indifferent to a situation that could impact your financial plan!

  • 24 February 2022
    Interviewed - Read
    Financial and estate planning, In the media
    Léa Saadé, interviewed by Finance et Investissement

    Léa Saadé reacts to a study that talks about the losses the finance industry faces by disregarding women in their strategies and approaches.

  • 18 January 2022
    Trusted - Read
    Expert insight, Financial and estate planning
    Designate a trusted contact person for your protection

    The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the organization mandated by the government of Quebec to oversee Quebec’s financial sector and to provide assistance to consumers of financial products and services.

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