Financière des professionnels
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  • 23 September 2020
    Leverage - read
    Expert insight, Investment and markets, Taxation and incorporation
    The leverage loan: a risk to consider
  • 19 June 2020
    Superior return - Read
    Focus on Finance Express, Investment and markets
    Superior return: look no further for the recipe!

    The fields of investment and gastronomy have several things in common. For example, there’s no single recipe for success… financial or culinary!

  • 31 March 2020
    Investment portfolio - Read
    Focus on Finance Express, Investment and markets
    Your investment portfolio: with or without a manager?

    Managing a portfolio is much like a golf tournament. An amateur can beat a professional on a few holes. But over several rounds, the pro will always have a higher percentage of good shots.

  • 06 March 2020
    Women in leadership - Read
    Investment and markets, News
    Responsible investment: focus on women in leadership

    Of the three socially responsible funds that we offer our clients in partnership with Mackenzie Investments, one of them, the Mackenzie Global Leadership Impact Fund, targets women in leadership. We decided to focus on this theme in response to our clients’ expressed interest in certain societal issues.

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