Financial panorama, Investment and marketsWhat moved the markets in October
Once again in October, the indices show a difference between the manufacturing economy, which is slowing, and the services component, which continues to grow but which, once again, is decelerating.
Investment and markets, NewsLéa Saadé talks about interest rates in Les Affaires
The Bank of Canada’s numerous interest rate hikes over the past year have left many people struggling to cope with it, including recent graduates who have seen the interest on their student loans rise.
In the media, Investment and markets, NewsAnik Bougie explains the advantages of the THSA in Protégez-vous
In an article by Emmanuelle Gril of ProtégezVous, Anik Bougie sets out some of the many aspects of THSA that we wouldn’t think of at first glance.
Financial panorama, Investment and marketsWhat moved the markets in September
Once again in September, the indices show a marked difference between the manufacturing economy, which is slowing, and the services component, which continues to grow but which, once again, is decelerating.