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Since Professionals’ Financial is known for its expertise, our experts are often asked to give their point of view in the media.

Check out our latest coverage in the media!

  • 22 July 2024
    Financial and estate planning, In focus, In the media, News
    Holidays and financial management with Léa Saadé on LCN

    Léa Saadé, Regional Vice-President, Montreal Centre, North Shore, was on LCN on Saturday, July 20, giving viewers of Québec Matin, hosted by Simon Gamache Fortin, tips on how to enjoy a stress-free vacation.

  • 19 July 2024
    In focus, In the media, News, Taxation and incorporation
    Marc-André Lavergne discusses AI in entracte

    Marc-André Lavergne, tax specialist at fdp Private management, summarizes, in the latest issue of entracte, the magazine of the Chambre des notaires du Québec, the thoughts of the Symposium sur l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur les professions de la planification financière et fiscale related to the notarial profession.

  • 18 June 2024
    In focus, In the media, News, Taxation and incorporation
    Transferring a RRIF from the deceased to the surviving spouse. Tax implications with Anik Bougie

    This article highlights the delicate tax implications and the essential steps to take to ensure a smooth financial transition with no tax surprises.

  • 07 June 2024
    Financial and estate planning, In the media, News
    Work-life balance with Raphaël Hainault in La Presse

    In a Train de vie column by Marc Tison of La Presse, a 46-year-old mechanic hopes to gradually reduce the number of days he works to maintain a balance between his professional and personal life. A proponent of voluntary simplicity, he believes he will be able to retire in a little over 10 years.

  • 22 April 2024
    Financial and estate planning, In focus, In the media, News
    Raphaël Hainault puts AI under the microscope

    Raphaël Hainault analyzes the financial advice provided by Gemini, Google’s conversational agent, in an article by Karim Benessaieh of La Presse.

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