In our rapidly evolving and interconnected world, global events can have a local impact. Markets are often volatile, and tax rules can change. Our experts help you understand these issues and how they affect you.
Distinctions, News, Press releaseProfessionals’ Financial wins three FundGrade A+® Awards
Once again, Professionals’ Financial has distinguished itself by receiving several FundGrade A+® Awards, at the Evening of Excellence held by Fundata Canada Inc. in Toronto on January 23, 2020.
NewsYoung people and social media: the risks of networking
Do you know the platforms used by your children and their friends? Make them aware of the dangers to which they may be exposed. Remember that they are targets of choice !
NewsUnderstanding your investments – September edition
Professionals’ Financial always makes it a point to offer you a range of mutual funds that respond to your needs as an investor. All asset classes are represented in our offer, in addition to funds developed to respond to changing markets. What tangible benefits do these external managers bring to your investment portfolio?
NewsIdentity theft: Your children are also targets!
A crime that pays! Stealing a child’s identity can really pay off. Since children don’t have a credit history and since these crimes take a long time to uncover, fraudsters have free reign to act. In many cases, it is only when they reach adulthood, when they apply for credit, that the victims discover what […]
NewsIdentity Theft
Identity theft is a serious crime and it’s growing. How can we fight this problem more common than we might think?