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What’s happening on the markets? Which major trends are emerging? To help you better understand the issues and keep abreast of the news, the Financial offers you its Financial Panorama.

Prepared by our investment team,the Financial Panorama presents a comprehensive monthly overview of the key developments that are likely to affect the markets.

  • 14 November 2023
    Financial panorama, Investment and markets
    What moved the markets in October

    Once again in October, the indices show a difference between the manufacturing economy, which is slowing, and the services component, which continues to grow but which, once again, is decelerating.

  • 13 October 2023
    Financial panorama, Investment and markets
    What moved the markets in September

    Once again in September, the indices show a marked difference between the manufacturing economy, which is slowing, and the services component, which continues to grow but which, once again, is decelerating.

  • 14 June 2022
    Financial panorama
    What moved the markets in May

    Very volatile month for the North American stock markets, which ended May where they started. Uncertainty about the extent of central bank rate hikes. Risk of stagflation and recession still present. Precarious supply chains.

  • 12 May 2022
    Financial Panorama - Read
    Financial panorama
    What moved the markets in April

    A difficult month for both equities and bonds. New surge in inflation and further policy rate hikes by central banks. Management of the new COVID-19 wave in China and slowdown of its economy. Invasion of Ukraine and impact of the war on commodity prices.

  • 12 April 2022
    Financial Panorama - Read
    Financial panorama
    What moved the markets in March

    The invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the impact of this war on commodity prices, as well as the surge in inflation and the rate hikes announced by central banks, remain the key focus of the markets.

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