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What’s happening on the markets? Which major trends are emerging? To help you better understand the issues and keep abreast of the news, the Financial offers you its Financial Panorama.

Prepared by our investment team,the Financial Panorama presents a comprehensive monthly overview of the key developments that are likely to affect the markets.

  • 14 June 2024
    Financial panorama, In focus, Investment and markets, News
    What moved the markets in May

    Strong growth on U.S. markets, largely due to results from Nvidia, which is spearheading investment in artificial intelligence.
    First policy rate cuts.

  • 15 May 2024
    Financial panorama, News
    What moved the markets in April

    Widespread fears about inflation. U.S. economy still growing.

  • 12 April 2024
    Financial panorama, Investment and markets
    What moved the markets in March

    No change to the Bank of Canada’s policy rate, nor to that of the U.S. Federal Reserve. The U.S. economy is still growing.

  • 12 March 2024
    Read the article (with city scape image behind)
    Financial panorama, Investment and markets, News
    What moved the markets in February

    No change in the Bank of Canada or Fed policy rates. Canadian economy slowing, but not in recession. Continued growth of the U.S. economy. Record levels on the U.S. market, driven by the theme of artificial intelligence.

  • 13 December 2023
    Financial panorama, Investment and markets
    What moved the markets in November

    In November, PMIs once again showed a difference between the manufacturing economy, which is contracting, and the services economy, which continues to expand, although the pace is slowing.

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