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What’s happening on the markets? Which major trends are emerging? To help you better understand the issues and keep abreast of the news, the Financial offers you its Financial Panorama.

Prepared by our investment team,the Financial Panorama presents a comprehensive monthly overview of the key developments that are likely to affect the markets.

  • 14 May 2020
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Financial Panorama-April 2020

    Global stock market indexes recovered a large part of the losses suffered, despite the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • 06 March 2020
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Financial Panorama-March

    Investor fears of a possible worsening of the situation spread quickly and stock markets were hard hit.

  • 14 February 2020
    Actualité financière
    Financial panorama
    Financial Panorama

    After a strong start in January, most global equity markets ended the first month of 2020 in negative territory.

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