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In our rapidly evolving and interconnected  world, global events can have a local impact. Markets are often volatile, and tax rules can change. Our experts help you understand these issues and how they affect you.

  • 14 October 2023
    Financial and estate planning, In the media, News, Taxation and incorporation
    Anik Bougie talks about donation of shares listed on the stock exchange in Les Affaires

    Anik Bougie answers a reader’s question: what are the tax consequences of a donation of shares listed on the stock exchange?

  • 29 September 2023
    In the media, News
    Léa Saadé’s portrait in the Conseiller

    In an interview given to Sylvie Lemieux in the Conseiller, Léa Saadé, MBA., Adm.A, Fin. Pl., Regional Vice-President, Montreal Centre, North Shore, at fdp Private Management, who has been involved in several challenges, many of which have been recognized, talks about her career in finance and reveals the key to her resilience.

  • 28 September 2023
    Financial and estate planning, In the media, News
    Marie-Pier Drolet & Yannick Bernier united for ULaval

    Marie-Pier Drolet et Yannick Bernier, Wealth Management Advisors at fdp Private Management, recently made a major will donation to support teaching, research and innovation at Université Laval’s Faculty of Medicine.

  • 13 September 2023
    Pétrole - Read
    In focus, Investment and markets, News
    What moved the markets in August

    Viewed positively, the Canadian economy is slowing and the job market appears to be stabilizing. More negative aspect: inflation is slow to come down and the price of oil has returned to its peak of last November.

  • 05 September 2023
    Expert insight, In focus, Investment and markets, News
    Deciphering the markets: the value of economic indicators

    Leading economic indicators are among the tools that economists and investment strategists use to make plausible forecasts.

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