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In our rapidly evolving and interconnected  world, global events can have a local impact. Markets are often volatile, and tax rules can change. Our experts help you understand these issues and how they affect you.

  • 17 April 2024
    Remote working abroad and its consequences

    Remote working abroad may have tax implications, and the responsibility lies as much with the employee as with the employer. Our Practice Leader, Financial Planning and Taxation, Anik Bougie, explains it all in Charles Poulin’s article in Les Affaires.

  • 04 April 2024
    Telework: documents for your tax return

    In the latest issue of Les Affaires magazine, Anik Bougie, Practice Leader, Financial Planning and Taxation, talks to journalist Charles Poulin about telework expense claims. The simplified method no longer exists, so you have to use the detailed method. Make sure you have the appropriate forms from your employer, as well as receipts for eligible expenses.

  • 04 April 2024
    In focus, In the media, News, Taxation and incorporation
    Seniors and caregivers, you’re entitled to tax credits

    Anik Bougie, Practice Leader, Financial Planning and Taxation, in her latest media appearances, points out that you may be eligible for tax credits based on certain criteria. She says that to avoid confusion and to make sure you know which government programs you’re eligible for, seeking help from a professional can be a considerable asset.

  • 22 March 2024
    Financial and estate planning, News
    Should I incorporate and how can I protect my family?

    Nadine, 37, is an anesthetist. Her spouse, Andrew, 38, is a construction contractor. Married for 15 years, they have three children, aged 8 to 14. The youngest, Nathan, has an autism spectrum disorder that requires special care.

  • 22 March 2024
    Financial and estate planning, News
    Grow my family, plan my retirement: how to achieve my goals?

    Sarah, 33, practises her profession of notary as a partner in a private practice. Her husband, Stephen, 35, is Director of Operations for the City of Saint-Hyacinthe. They live on the outskirts of the city, with their two children, aged 7 and 4.

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