Financière des professionnels
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In our rapidly evolving and interconnected  world, global events can have a local impact. Markets are often volatile, and tax rules can change. Our experts help you understand these issues and how they affect you.

  • 01 May 2020
    Beyond the crisis and the confinement

    Close to you, at all times At Professionals’ Financial, the evolving pandemic has prompted us to quickly put in place many measures to protect both our clients and our employees. In compliance with government orders, our employees are teleworking, we’ve physically closed our various offices temporarily, and meetings with your advisor are being held via […]

  • 24 March 2020
    In focus, News
    COVID-19 – Closure of Financial’s offices

    An exceptional situation.

  • 11 March 2020
    Volatility and the coronavirus

    The overall impact of the coronavirus on the global economy has yet to be determined, but the longer the epidemic lasts, the greater it will be. The duration remains the key variable.

  • 06 March 2020
    Women in leadership - Read
    Investment and markets, News
    Responsible investment: focus on women in leadership

    Of the three socially responsible funds that we offer our clients in partnership with Mackenzie Investments, one of them, the Mackenzie Global Leadership Impact Fund, targets women in leadership. We decided to focus on this theme in response to our clients’ expressed interest in certain societal issues.

  • 04 March 2020
    In focus, News
    Stock markets and the coronavirus

    The G7 countries said they would do everything possible to limit harm from the coronavirus.

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